Here is Justin Lee fucking some chick by the name of Kimberly.
As usual for most of Justin's ladies she look very drugged up.
An interesting theory on how some of these young women are exchanging
sex for drugs can be generated from these sex videos. We know
Justin Lee's girlfriend, Joyce Lai, is a convicted drug dealer.
So we also know Justin had a good source for drugs. And some of
the girls in these homemade porn movies kept on returning to
Justin's apartment because they appear in videos wearing different
clothes and that appear to have been shot on different days.
So the theory conclude that Justin's apartment was a drug den for Taiwanese
females celebrities including lesser known models ad actresses.
And Justin Lee was a drug dealer for more famous girls like Maggie Wu
who would pay him with sexual favorite. Justin Lee would collect
his pay sometimes when the women were passed out from their high.
And interestingly enough, this sick aspect of it was an understood
part of the arrangement.
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